Amorcito – Long Beach – July 12, 2020

Burger crew meeting called to order on Sunday, July 12, 2020.

Members in attendance: Angela, Trev, Wayne, Marty, and-a-me, DK
Absent: Innie

COVID-19 has devastated the burger world and by transitive property, us. In our respective domiciles, strategically situated throughout LA county (except the Valley because ew), Burger Crew LA has been keeping small burger businesses afloat with our hearts and wallets. Today, we eat together in solidarity (fist pump emoji) at a nearby park in sunny Long Beach, Calif.

I. Ordering
Amorcito has one burger on the menu so ordering was a cinch. The New Mexican Hatch Chile Burger has a single angus beef patty, garlic aioli, hatch green chile puree, ketchup, mustard, pickles, American cheese, on a soft potato bun. Ironically, in this era of delivery and takeout, you can order raw sushi but not get burger patties cooked medium rare, so be forewarned if that is a deciding factor.

II. The Burgers
First up, the buns. Soft and gooey, they held up and tasted great, as great as potato buns can taste. I didn’t notice any toast marks on them but I suspect they steamed in the container on the way over. Trev thought the buns tasted like Hawaiian rolls but he’s said this a few times recently and I’m convinced the man just has an itch for Hawaiian rolls. (Alexa, make Angela buy Hawaiian rolls for Trevor!)

The patties looked like they were cooked medium. Of course, we (the hive) prefer medium rare when possible but understand it’s tricky with take out. They had a nice beefy flavor (always the crowd-pleaser) and were tenderly packed. I don’t remember much of a sear and it wasn’t discussed which has me stunned in hindsight. But I just think we were all eagerly waiting to talk about the star of the burger…

Yes, the mustard. Bold yellow, the kind seen in the background of every American BBQ. It totally works with this style of burger, which to me, is a gourmet McDonald’s cheeseburger, very HiHo. None of the other toppings competed for the spotlight, so other than being mustard-forward, this was a well-balanced burger. The only “disappointment” was the hatch chile which oddly was the runt of the lot, buried by its tastier siblings. The burger was still tasty without it, so no love lost.

It’s been rumored that a double cheeseburger can be ordered. Our source believes that the double is not proportioned well, however, and possibly a conspiracy to launder beef.

III. The Fries
No fries this time, though I saw chicharrones on a menu and couldn’t resist. These were dressed with lime, salsa roja, cilantro, and red pickled jalapenos. Mostly soggy by the time I got into them, they still tasted festive and were a real treat. I’d love to try these again in person the way they were meant to be eaten!

IV. Miscellaneous
Amorcito is located inside of the Long Beach Exchange (LBX) which currently has plenty of free parking spots in its huge parking lots. Normally it’s horrible, so I’ve been told. The food was sealed in bags with napkins and utensils inside. Marty requested no chiles on her burger and it was properly labeled. From ordering to pick up, everything went about as smooth as it could go!

V. Value
The members were asked how much they would pay for the burger and it ranged between $6.00 and $9.50. The burger is priced at $6.75 which is a really decent price in 2020. It’s a little undersized for American appetites; reason enough to try their tasty sides if you’re into spicy and tangy.

VI. The Verdict
The ratings: 3.1, 3.9, 4.0, and 4.2. As the lone burger representing the LBX, we stand with you Amorcito. Please stay in business!

Next meeting will be sometime during the weekend of August 15-16. Stay tuned!